Nice to meet you


Introducing Rajvinder Kaur, the visionary founder behind The Natural Remedy Store, a beacon of holistic health and wellness in the community. Rajvinder’s journey began as a determined low-tox mom on a mission to prioritise her family’s health through natural means. Frustrated with the potential side effects and long-term risks associated with over-the-counter medicines, Rajvinder made the bold decision to embrace a holistic lifestyle, opting for natural remedies instead.

As the heart and soul of our family-run business, Rajvinder brings her passion for natural healing to every aspect of The Natural Remedy Store. With her bambina by her side, she has curated a selection of high-quality, homeopathic & herbal remedies that offer safe and effective alternatives to conventional medications. From soothing homeopathic remedies to immune-boosting tinctures, each product is carefully chosen to address common ailments without compromising on safety or efficacy.

One of the key concerns that drove Rajvinder to establish The Natural Remedy Store was the potential side effects of antihistamines and other over-the-counter medications. Antihistamines, while commonly used to alleviate allergy symptoms, often come with a host of undesirable effects, including drowsiness, dizziness, and dry mouth. Long-term use may even lead to tolerance or dependency, posing additional risks to one’s health. With a firm commitment to providing natural remedies with an excellent safety record, Rajvinder ensures that every product at The Natural Remedy Store is carefully vetted and backed by a wealth of knowledge in natural medicine. Join us on our journey to holistic health and discover the power of nature’s healing touch with Rajvinder and The Natural Remedy Store.

Have any questions?

If you have any questions about, feel free to contact us.

Mrs. S., Wolverhampton, UK.
“I have had this for the past 2 years for my 10-year-old son and it has been amazing, not once have I had to give him Piriton. Just 2 little tablets once a day, keeps the Hayfever away!”
Mrs. S., Derby, UK
“It’s brilliant!”

Happy clients


Mrs. A., Buckinghamshire, UK
“It’s like magic, my Hayfever has disappeared.”